Beagle: Puppy Training, Breed Information, and Other Info

Beagles make excellent household pets. They’re gentle and full of personality, they enjoy life, and they are very sociable and friendly. It’s hard not to love them, and, Beagle puppy training is about as easy as you could ever want.

Beagles have a soft, cute face that’s always curious and attentive. Their trademark floppy ears and attentive eyes make them mascots among dogs.

They also have a ton of energy. Beagle puppy training is definitely a playful time. Further down this page, after the general breed information about beagles, you’ll find the Beagle training tips and links for further reading.

Jump to: Breed History, Appearance, Temperament, Health Issues, or Beagle Puppy Training

Breed History – Beagles

Of all the pure-bred hound dog breeds, the Beagle is one of the oldest and most popular.

The Beagle has been known to exist as a hunting dog since the 3rd Century in Europe. They were further bred in Great Britain and cultivated for their small-game hunting skills, where they no doubt provided much of the charm we see in Beagles today.

Appearance – Beagles

A medium-sized breed, Beagles are athletic and muscular. They have the stamina you’d expect from a small game hunting dog – which is to say, Beagles have tons of energy. They’re usually born black and white, and as they grow through puppy-hood, other colors start growing in. They have adorable, medium-length, shiny weatherproof coats, and they do shed.

The typical Beagle is about a foot tall, give or take a few inches, and weigh about 25-30 pounds. Some breeders are producing miniature versions of this breed, calling them Miniature Beagles or even Teacup Beagles – same breed, just bred down for size.

Social Temperament – Beagles

There are few breeds of dog that can top the Beagle in friendliness and sociability. Their personalities make Beagles the “dog mascot” in many people’s eyes.

With the correct puppy socialization starting at birth and continuing when they’re a puppy, a Beagle is great with children. They’re smart enough to have very distinctive personalities, including an active sense of humor – Beagles are definitely a bit cheeky, but in a loving, social way. They’re fairly easy to socialize with other pets.

Like many hunting dog breeds, Beagles bond tightly and quickly with their human pack. This is a joy, but it can lead to severe cases of separation anxiety, if a Beagle finds himself in a home that’s empty too often. If that becomes an issue, disturbed Beagles can become prone to digging and excessive barking. Take this point seriously, because it’s always a shame when such a good dog starts showing behavior problems and sad eyes.

Another problem that Beagle owners should prevent is the problem of running away and roaming. As hunting dogs, Beagles can’t help wanting to chase small game and roam around following scent trails. This is one reason why beagle puppy training should usually include crate training, for their own safety.

Beagles are alert little detectives by nature, with a top-notch ability to sniff out a scent. They make good watch dogs, but not guard dogs. A Beagle would much rather make a new friend than anything else!

The only common case of aggression that Beagles are known for is dog food aggression. Click that link to see how dog food aggression, aka canine possession aggression, can be dealt with through fair and effective training methods.

Unique Health Problems – Beagles

As a dog breed built for hunting, the Beagle is a generally healthy dog. The have an active lifespan of about 12-15 years.

If you’re looking to buy a beagle puppy, there are a few health problems to be aware of.

You can protect yourself from most of these health problems by buying from a reputable, experienced Beagle breeder. A good breeder will actively track all these common problems, and will breed only the dogs that are unlikely to produce a vulnerable pup. Such a breeder also knows how to start dogs off right with good puppy socialization.

Here are the things you should be aware of. A veterinarian or good breeder will be able to tell you more about:

  • Beagles have the same risk of skin conditions and arthritis, especially at old age, as other dogs.
  • Overeating and obesity may be a risk if you let your Beagle eat whenever he wants.
  • Ear infections, including yeast and other infections.
  • Hereditary canine epilepsy – Beagles are more vulnerable to repeated seizures than other breeds.

Beagle Puppy Training

When you train a Beagle puppy, or adult, you will notice two things – lots of energy, and a little bit of stubbornness. They are cheeky and willful, but in the end they will make great students to the right teacher.

This is why it’s always good to begin training as soon as you get your puppy home. This ensures that you are quickly and firmly established as the alpha leader, which prevents or solves most behavior problems in most dogs, especially dogs which are bred for human companionship such as Beagles.

The best way to train a Beagle is to use positive reinforcement, and to never use violence or intimidation. Be consistent and use a lot of repetition, and your Beagle will learn the ropes cheerfully. Food is a great training motivator for all dogs, but especially Beagles.

Beagles are highly trainable, thanks to their high intelligence, their background as hunting dogs, and their strong stamina and attentiveness. Trained right, Beagles are quick to learn all the typical obedience training commands like sit, stay, go to your spot, and even the harder-to-master “heel .”

Beagle puppy training does come with a few unique challenges, but they’re all easily overcome if you do your part with correct obedience training:

  • The Beagle potty training process can be a slow one, if you don’t use crate training and a lot of loyalty on your part. Follow my puppy house training schedule closely, and you’ll be fine.
  • As hunting dogs, Beagles are prone to getting carried away tracking scents. So, it can take some effort to teach them to walk nicely on a loose leash.
  • On a related note, when off leash, a Beagle will usually find an interesting scent and wander off after it. This makes obedience training a major need for your Beagle’s safety, especially the “come” command.

A lot of details about the above, and other tips, can be found in the excellent “Comprehensive Beagle Training Course.” Also, the “Secrets to Dog Training, Beagle Package” is another specialized resource for aiding the Beagle puppy training process. Either, or both of these, will help you leave nothing to chance.

Last but not least, it’s important to read my other articles that will be of extra-special help to you during Beagle puppy training: How to puppy proof your home; Choosing a puppy from a litter; Spaying and neutering a puppy; and the importance of getting your puppy his shots .

Go back to puppy training or read about more dog breeds.

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