Time to Think about Female Dog Names!


Quick, think of a girl’s name, one that you won’t get tired of saying 20 times a day for the next ten-plus years! Got one yet? No?

Okay, then I’m here to help you with a huge list of resources for choosing between female dog names.

Aside from making sure it’s a name you like, you’ll want to choose a female dog name that fits your dog, and your relationship with that dog.

It should suit her personality and her quirks, and if you’re like most people, you want to name your dog something a bit unique.

How to Choose Between Female Dog Names

If you’re looking for advice on how to choose between the many, many female dog names I’ll provide in the links below, here are some pointers. If you don’t need pointers, then you can skip straight to the links to female dog names databases.

First, here are a few “don’ts” when choosing a female dog name:

  • A dog’s name should be no more than two syllables, because that’s easier for a dog to learn.
  • Make sure you pick a female dog name that you won’t mind yelling out to the neighborhood.
  • Don’t pick a female dog name that can be confused with an obedience training command.
  • Avoid giving your female dog a name that’s likely to become confused with one of your human friends.
  • Don’t confuse your dog by giving her a real name and a nickname, and make sure your kids and friends also use the right name.

And now, here are the “do’s” for choosing a female dog name:

  • Get input from your family – picking a dog name together is fun.
  • Some people have a flair for history. You can read about the history of your dog’s breed, and find a notable historical figure who owned one or who was involved in developing the breed, to inspire your female dog name.
  • Lots of people dip into popular culture and celebrity names to choose their female dog name. Porsche? Macy? Kathy Lee? Dolly? These all make popular female dog names.
  • Of course, observing your dog is important when you pick a name. The personality traits and appearance of your female dog are two of your best clues when picking a name.
  • Family heritage is a big deal when it comes to names! If you have the family history of your dog’s breeding ancestry, you might see a female dog name you like. “She’s named after her grandmother!”
  • Here’s a fun one: Think of a word that describes your dog, and then do a Google search to find words in other languages with the same meaning. One of them might make a great female dog name!
  • On a related note, people who care about the “real meanings” of words should check an etymology website or “meanings of names” website before they “finalize” their female dog name choices.
  • Think about what your dog will look like when she’s grown up. You might not want something that’s too “puppy sounding” when your dog is eight years old.

Alright, enough advice:
Time to Choose a Female Dog Name!

Here are my favorite websites for brainstorming female dog names. Each one is different:

  • Female dog names that are just plain cute
  • A gigantic list of female dog names from around the world
  • A list of thousands of popular dog names, in alphabetical order
  • Searchable list of more than three thousand female dog names
  • Female dog names sorted by breed, culture, and color
  • And, a simple but powerful resource to help you choose a female dog name

Naturally, naming your female dog is just the beginning. Now you’ve got to potty train, socialize and teach your dog obedience commands.

Aside from my own website, I recommend this complete dog ownership program that will take you through every step of dog ownership with sound advice for every situation.

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