Dog Learning Training Language

Dog obedience training is not to be taken lightly. Training puppies can become very difficult for many people for the mere reason that they cannot understand their dogs’ behavior. What makes their behavior so hard to understand? Because dog trainers focus too much on training per se and fail to show their dogs the respect they deserve. Giving them respect does not mean that you will have to let them do whatever they want. You should comprehend that they are pack animals who need to look up to authority in able to feel safe. Another thing you should know is that dogs are intelligent and are capable for emotion like humans.

Dogs can get stubborn, rude, aggressive, and mean, but they can be very amiable. They are capable of feeling sadness and happiness. They could hate you or love you. They can pine for you. They are also capable of talking. You would have noticed how a dog would bark at you after you have said something to them. That would be his way of saying that he doesn’t agree on what you have said. Try to repeat saying the same thing and you will create an aggressive behavior in your dog. Of course, you wouldn’t want that to happen. If this happens, this would mean that your dog’s lack of respect for you. But you need to correct that behavior in diplomatic ways or else you might end up with a frustrated or a fearful companion.

One thing to keep in mind when dog training is…Dogs are also capable of complaining. When you hear your dog grumbling, it does not mean that he doesn’t want you to bother him. It simply means that you are getting over the line and he doesn’t like it. They most often do this when you touch their food or when you try to wake him up. Grumbling is a very bad behavior for dogs and you shouldn’t let them disrespect you or act impolitely towards you. Since they are pack animals, they naturally want to gain a higher position in the pack. But the highest position should still be yours.

Listen and understand your dog to get his respect. Once you allow him to disrespect you, you are letting him take a step up the ladder. If you tolerate this, there will come a time when your dog doesn’t remember anymore who his master is. Your dog doesn’t understand that you are a human who belongs to the higher form of species. If he sees that you lack superiority, you will lose the ability to make him follow you. He will choose to become the leader. This, however, does not mean that he lacks respect for you. He will just do the role of a pack leader because you are not doing your role.

Of course, you want your dog to see you as a friend and not as someone who takes control over him. But that would be impossible. Friends are on the same level. You should understand that your dog is counting on you. He is not your friend but your companion. Be in charge of his behavior and his food. A good dog should always come to you if you call, follow you if you say ‘sit’ or roll over when you tell him to do so. You don’t do these things with your friends.

In the end, remember to understand your dog as your companion, but also understand that being your dog’s master will not take away his love for you. Dogs simply love authority.

Read Our Top 10 Dog Training Reviews Now!

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