Charging the Clicker

Preparing Your Dog to Respond to the Clicker

Instructions for charging the clickerEver since I started using clicker dog training, I’ve been hooked, and so have my dogs. Training is faster and simpler with the clicker, than with treats.

But at first, the clicker, and its clicking sound, are meaningless to your dog. It’s called “charging the clicker,” and it means getting the clicker to be understood as a reward by your dog. That means relating the clicker with your dog’s training treats.

The treats would always have been delicious, but they became a reward and teaching tool by habit. As you charge the clicker, you’ll be copying that response, of thinking: “I’m getting a reward! I did it right!” from the treats, to the clicker, in the mind of your dog.

The end result: A “click” becomes as good a reward during dog training sessions, as a slice of hot dog.

Advice about charging the clicker, the term used for getting a dog ready for clicker training.

You’ll Be Copying the Dog’s Response, of Thinking:
“I’m Getting a Reward! I Did it Right!”
From the Treats, To the Clicker.

How to Charge The Clicker

  • First, make sure you know which treats are your dog’s absolute favorites.
  • Click, then throw a treat – in that order, with no pause between.
  • Do this at different times of day, before and after different activities, at different places.
  • First the click, then the dog’s favorite treat, for any reason or no reason.

That’s really it, you’re charging the clicker! For much more about how to use the clicker once it’s charged, check out my book reviews page for an excellent guide or visit

Below are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about clickers, using them and charging them.

Frequently asked questions about charging the clicker and clicker training

How Long Does “Charging the Clicker” Take?

A dog who’s used to training and has learned to relate treats to training success, will usually understand what you’re doing after just a few days, with enough varied repetition.

Does the Clicker Mean an End to Giving Treats as Rewards?

When you begin teaching each new trick, there’s no replacement for a tasty morsel. However, once your dog’s mind sets to learning the new trick, the clicker can replace treats until you need neither.

What’s the Point of Clicker Dog Training?

Everyone seems to have their own reasons for loving the clicker.

I’ve mentioned often on this site, that dog training rewards must happen instantly. In behavior science, they call it an “event marker” when you give instant feedback. In dog training, it’s very important that feedback happens within 2-3 seconds of the behavior you’re rewarding. With that in mind:

  • “A clicker in the pocket,” is faster than “a treat, in a bag, in a pocket.”
  • Every click after the first one is free.

Clickers are precise, effective, and cool.

Do All Dogs Respond to Clickers?

Yes, except for dogs who are hard of hearing, or deaf, or dogs who fear clicking sounds, any breed and age of dog should respond to charging the clicker. A history of obedience training will speed the process, but if you begin your training with the clicker, that’s fine.

The behavioral science behind clicker dog training has been confirmed repeatedly since its introduction with dolphins some 40 years ago. More about the history and references on clicker training.

When am I Done Charging the Clicker?

When your dog reacts to the clicker as if you just brought out a bag of his favorite treats, you’ve charged the clicker and can begin using it for training.

Have fun!

Back to training your dog at home.

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