Just like humans, dogs have their own distinctive characteristics. If you cooperate with your dog, you will be able to know what he wants and what he hates. Be watchful while dealing with your dog. Know what he wants. This is the first key to avoiding dog behavior problems.
Some dogs like to be tickled in the ears but others find it detestable. Some love to be stroked on their bellies and some want to be touched in the tail. Learn to figure out your dog’s responses and you will be able to understand what prompts these reactions. Knowing these is very useful when you deal with your dog. If he performs a good act and you know that he wants his belly rubbed, then go on and do it. But if you know that he doesn’t want to be tickled in the ears don’t do so when you are supposed to praise him because he will consider this as a form of
Learning the type of handling that will calm and make your dog excited is also very important. For most dogs, having their chests caressed is very soothing. If you do this and talk to them in a very serene tone, they will feel very relaxed and reassured.
Treating your dog in a sort of tough but playful manner about his head and rump and at the same time talking with him in a high-strung voice will get him psyched up.
Remember these variations when you train your dog – even when you are puppy training. When he follows a command, commend him with calm and comforting tones. This will contribute a lot to keeping him focused and relaxed while doing a certain task. Don’t make your dog excited during exercises or else he will lose his concentration and will never learn anything.
Your goal is to discover what type of bodily handling is perfect to calm your dog. The best thing to do this is to make it a positive reinforcement. You can use excitable and lively techniques once you’re already finished with the training.
If you can’t see the outcome that you desire while training your dog, you can’t blame anybody but yourself. Keeping control of your temper will help you move on the right track. If you feel like bursting already, reflect on the following issues first:
Have you let your dog understand what you want him to perform? Are you pushing your dog too hard by expecting too much from him? Is your dog too bored because you keep repeating the same lessons?
Oftentimes, problems that come out from dog trainings are blamed on the trainers’ mistakes. That’s why it is advisable to carefully examine every situation before deciding to lose your temper. Remember that your objective is to create an affectionate bond with your dog. You don’t want to be the one who will put an end to that.
Typically, you will also have to hand out some rebukes for your dog to learn. But even during these times, controlling your temper is still very important. Changing your tone can signify your disappointment and your dog will understand this. An abrupt ‘No!’ or a growl will be enough to make him understand. You can make your voice sound stricter and louder for graver mistakes. Once you’re finished scolding your dog, end it there. Shift immediately to a comforting and affectionate tone. You simply cannot do this if you have lost control on your temper.
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