Learn Faster with Dog Training Videos!

<p><strong>Watching dog training videos will help you learn the best dog training methods quickly and easily. </strong></p>
<p>Here are some advantages for watching dog training videos:</p>
<li> You&#39;ll see and hear the ways that   <a target=”_self” href=”dog-training-school/”> professional dog trainers</a> work. </li>
<li> You can re-watch the videos any   time at no additional cost. </li>
<li> Unlike reading a book, you can   watch dog training videos while you do other things. </li>
<p><img height=”225″ width=”300″ title=”The best dog training videos I&#39;ve ever seen, came with Secrets to Dog Training / Sit Stay Fetch” alt=”The best dog training videos I&#39;ve ever seen, came with Secrets to Dog Training / Sit Stay Fetch” src=”https://www.eatsleepwalk.com/images/stories/dogtraining/Golden%20retriever%20puppy%20lying%20on%20a%20blanket.jpg” style=”margin: 15px 25px; float: right;” /><strong>I&#39;ve watched a lot of dog training videos, and instead of reviewing them all, I&#39;m going to start with the best.</strong> It&#39;s a complete dog training system formerly called <a target=”_self” href=”sit-stay-fetch/”>Sit Stay Fetch, now known as Kingdom of Pets or Secrets to Dog Training</a>.  There&#39;s really nothing that competes with it.</p>
<p>Included with the premium package, you get ebooks which can also be listened-to as audiobooks, plus six phenomenal dog training videos which are worth the package price alone.</p>
<p><strong>I&#39;ve reviewed the books and other parts in my book reviews section – and I&#39;ll link to that below these dog training video reviews. </strong></p>
<p>The videos are meant for downloading and watching on your computer – so there&#39;s no waiting for postage.  You can begin learning the best dog training methods right away, and you&#39;ll never run out of material with this package.  Included are complete guides on every part of dog ownership, including how to deal with all the <a target=”_self” href=”dog-behavior-training/”>common dog problems</a>.</p>
<p><strong> So, let&#39;s get into the video content included in Sit Stay Fetch / Secrets to Dog Training. </strong></p>
<h3>Alpha Dog Training</h3>
<p>Run time:  59 Minutes</p>
<p>What is an alpha dog?  Why does a dog owner need to become the alpha for their dog?  This dog training video explains the whole concept in detail and makes the case for why it&#39;s so important.  It then gives you advice on how to build that relationship through your daily habits.</p>
<p>This video gives humane advice – becoming the alpha is not a forceful or conflict-ridden process.  It makes its case well, and then teaches plenty of hands-on tricks for showing your dog you&#39;re a trustworthy leader.</p>
<h3>How To Stop Your Dog&#39;s Barking Problems</h3>
<p>Run time:  35 Minutes.</p>
<p>This dog training video deals with perhaps the most common dog behavior problem we dog lovers face: excessive barking.  How to Stop Your Dog&#39;s Barking Problems covers:</p>
<li> Different reasons behind <a target=”_self” href=”how-to-stop-your-dog-from-barking/”><strong>dog   barking problems</strong></a> </li>
<li> How to <strong>use your role as pack alpha</strong> to control barking </li>
<li> Specific training steps for   dealing with the <strong>cause of the barking problem</strong> </li>
<h3>Stop Your Dog&#39;s Barking Problems</h3>
<p>Run time: 29 Minutes</p>
<p>You&#39;re not seeing double – this package includes two videos on how to deal with dog barking problems.  This second dog training video on the topic covers:</p>
<li> Dealing with <strong>barking</strong> related to   aggression </li>
<li> How to handle a dog who <strong>becomes   aggressive on the leash</strong> </li>
<li> How to stop a dog from <strong>barking in   the car </strong></li>
<h3>How to Stop Your Dog&#39;s Biting and Chewing Problems</h3>
<p>Run time:  55 Minutes</p>
<p><img height=”300″ width=”300″ title=”A review of the dog training videos” alt=”A review of the dog training videos” src=”https://www.eatsleepwalk.com/images/stories/dogtraining/dog-chewing.jpg” style=”margin: 15px 25px; float: right;” />This dog training video covers everything from teething habits, to play bites, to <a target=”_self” href=”how-to-stop-your-dog-from-chewing/”>destructive chewing</a>, to more aggressive biting and snapping.  Real case studies of <a target=”_self” href=”how-to-stop-a-puppy-from-biting/”>biting and mouthing</a> problems are presented, and solved.  This video also deals with:</p>
<li> The importance of thorough <a target=”_self” href=”puppy-socialization/”><strong>puppy   socialization</strong></a>. </li>
<li> Teaching everyone who approaches   your dog, <strong>how to approach</strong>. </li>
<li> How <a target=”_self” href=”puppy-spay-neuter/”><strong>spaying/ neutering a dog</strong></a> reduces aggression. </li>
<li> How to deal with the <strong>teething   period</strong>. </li>
<li> How to choose the <strong>best chew toys.</strong> </li>
<li> Solutions for a <strong>dog&#39;s obsessions</strong>,   and for <strong>dog food guarding</strong>. </li>
<li> What to do if your <strong>dog growls at   you.</strong> </li>
<h3>How To Stop Your Dog&#39;s Aggression</h3>
<p>Run time:  42 Minutes</p>
<p>Despite being under an hour long, this dog training video manages to be comprehensive about a serious topic. It teaches ways to change your relationship with your dog to gradually end aggression.</p>
<li> 4 rules for <strong>preventing dog   aggression</strong> </li>
<li> Dealing with <strong>different kinds of   aggression</strong> </li>
<li> What to do about<strong> “sibling   rivalry”</strong> between dogs in a household </li>
<li> The question of <strong>muzzling your dog</strong> </li>
<li> How to <strong>socialize your dog</strong> to   prevent aggression before it arises </li>
<li> Case studies on <strong>solving <a target=”_self” href=”dog-to-dog-aggression/”>dog   aggression</a> </strong> </li>
<h3>In-Field Training – Real Life Case Studies of Dog Training in Action</h3>
<p> </p>
<div style=”text-align: center;”><img height=”248″ width=”500″ title=”Reviews of dog training videos” alt=”Reviews of dog training videos” src=”https://www.eatsleepwalk.com/images/stories/dogtraining/dog-training-school.jpg” style=”margin: 15px;” /></div>
<p> </p>
<p>Run time:  46 Minutes</p>
<p>Watching professional dog trainers dealing with specific issues is very valuable to you when learning how to train your own dogs.  Some of the issues that are solved in this video:</p>
<li> <strong><a target=”_self” href=”dog-food-aggression/”>Dog food aggression</a> / canine   possession aggression</strong>.  This section is covered in full detail from   beginning to end. </li>
<li> <strong>Children, guests, and dog   aggression</strong>.  This issue is dealt with by analyzing the dog owner&#39;s   behavior and taking advantage of the all-important role of the owner   as the pack alpha. </li>
<li> <a target=”_self” href=”training-a-puppy-to-walk-on-a-leash/”><strong>Leash pulling</strong></a>.  One of the most   common dog problems, solved before your eyes using simply ingenious   techniques you can learn at home. </li>
<h3>Secrets To Dog Training</h3>
<p>This extra-special dog training video rounds out the series, and covers a great many topics:</p>
<li> A huge amount of advice on the   <strong> right way to <a target=”_self” href=”puppy-house-training/”>potty train your dog</a> </strong> </li>
<li> <strong>Eleven ways to keep your role</strong> as   the pack alpha </li>
<li> <strong>Why and how</strong> to <a target=”_self” href=”puppy-crate-training/”>crate train your   puppy</a> </li>
<li> <strong>Leash training</strong> through positive   reinforcement </li>
<li> <strong>Paper training</strong> step-by-step </li>
<li> How to successfully <strong>own multiple   dogs </strong> </li>
<h2>What Else Comes with these Dog Training Videos?</h2>
<p><img height=”446″ width=”300″ title=”These dog training videos are mere extras to the overall Sit Stay Fetch program” alt=”These dog training videos are mere extras to the overall Sit Stay Fetch program” src=”https://www.eatsleepwalk.com/images/stories/dogtraining/puppy-training2.jpg” style=”margin: 15px; float: right;” /><strong>I&#39;ve reviewed these videos here because they&#39;re the best dog training videos I&#39;ve ever seen</strong> – but in fact, the videos are just part of a bonus package.  The main element of the package is the book, <a target=”_self” href=”sit-stay-fetch/”>Secrets to Dog Training</a>.  Aside from the book and the videos, there are 6 bonus books, software, and exclusive access to a vast community website, also included.</p>
<p>I&#39;ve reviewed the books and other materials on a separate page: Read my detailed review for more information about the <a target=”_self” href=”sit-stay-fetch/”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Secrets to Dog Training premium package</span></a>.  In short, you get:</p>
<li> Secrets to Dog Training </li>
<li> Secrets to Becoming the Alpha Dog </li>
<li> All The House Training Methods and   Tricks </li>
<li> Dog Grooming Made Easy </li>
<li> A Quick Guide to Dog Aggression </li>
<li> Tips On How To Security Train Your   Dog </li>
<li> 175 Gourmet Recipes for Your Dog </li>
<li> Secrets To Dog Training Pro   Software </li>
<li> Members-Only-Access to the Secrets   to Dog Training Member Site </li>
<p>The books are accompanied by audiobook versions, by the way – so you get the videos you can watch on your computer, plus all these books which you can listen to on your iPod.</p>
<h2>Conclusion and Recommendation</h2>
<p><strong>Obviously, anything that I&#39;m spending two separate pages reviewing, is something I&#39;m going to highly recommend!</strong> I&#39;ve bought this package for members of my family who were first time dog owners.  Combine the dog training videos with all the other material, and you get a dog owner&#39;s manual that&#39;s perfect for beginners or more experienced dog owners dealing with specific problems.  Check it out!</p>
<p>Return to the beginning of my <a target=”_self” href=”undefined/”>comprehensive dog training guide</a>.</p>

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